Monday, November 15, 2010

Lack of Posting

I am so sorry about not posting for awhile! Things have been so crazy at home and at school. I have had a bazillion projects given to me this month and I've only finished half of them. IB teachers love to give projects to their students around the same tie and have them due on the same day which is so stressful. I love IB because it gives me a chance to get more scholarships and learn more advanced concepts, but I just don't know how I will be able to manage for another year and a half. I know I can do it, but it just means less time for reading and blogging.

Also, my family and I are having to move to a new house before Thanksgiving and moving takes FOREVER. Seriously. We have been doing stuff over there for a month now and we are just now starting to move items in.

In addition, I have just started volunteering for MinPin Haven Rescue of Arizona and that has been consuming much of what little free time I have on the weekend. Why minpins, you ask? Well, I have four of these little guys. They drive me crazy but I love them to pieces! I feel awful about them not having a permanent family to love and care for them so I want to give back. Their stories of how they got into the rescue are heartbreaking and it just makes me want to do something to help these guys out. Which is another reason why we are rushing to move. The rescue is overflowing with dogs right now and they don't have very many fosters. Which means dogs that are found on the streets, or in other horrible situations, have to be turned down because there just isn't enough space for them. As soon as we get moved in, we will be able to foster dogs and hopefully save more dogs' lives.

So, yeah. This is why I haven't had a lot of time to blog or read. On the plus side, I did a dystopian paper on Matched by Ally Condie so that review will come as soon as I have time to write it! =) I will also be celebrating Quantum's (by Imogen Rose) release and will have a contest for a signed copy of the first book in the series, Portal.

Sorry for this non-book related post but I just wanted to tell you all what was going on. I hope everyone is having a great November!
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